To change your email address:

  1.  Log in to and go to your settings page.
  2. Under Account settings, type your new email address into the Email field. Note: An email address can only be associated with one Uplust account at a time.
  3. Click Save my profile at the bottom of the page.
  4. You’ll see a green message at the top of your setting page asking you to ‘Check your new inbox to activate your new email address’.
Your email address is not displayed in your public profile on Uplust.

To confirm your email address change (required):

  1. Log in to the email inbox for the address you just updated.
  2. You should see a new email from Uplust. Open it. (Search for mail from “Uplust” if you cannot find it.)
  3. Click on the confirmation link in that email.
  4. You should then be directed to your Uplust account. Your change is now complete!
  5. You will also receive an email notification at your old email address – no action is needed and this is not a confirmation of the email address change, just an alert.
Warning: If you do not complete the confirmation process above, your email will not be changed. Uplust uses your email address to let you know about changes to your account. It is important you know what email address is associated with your account at all times.