What is a like on Uplust?

Likes, represented by a small heart icon next to a picture, are most commonly used when users like a picture. Liking a picture can let the original poster know that you liked their picture, or you can save the picture for later.

To mark a picture as a Like:

  1. Make sure you are signed in to Uplust.
  2. From your home timeline, hover over the picture you’d like to favorite.
  3. Click on the heart icon, a gold heart will appear to confirm that you’ve favorited the picture.
  4. You can also favorite a Picture from a user’s profile page and a pic’s permalink page.

Note: If you mark pictures as a liked from users with protected profiles, the update will not appear in the Liked tab on your profile page unless the viewer is an approved follower of the update’s author.

To undo or remove a like:

  1. Hover over the Picture you Liked, you will see a gold heart in the upper left hand corner on the Picture.
  2. Click on the heart icon to undo the like.