To convert Lusts go to the “Request payment” page and click “New payment”.

Note: To process payment of Lust conversions, be sure to completely fill out your Payment Info. These information are strictly confidential. They must be valid to complete any payment process. More info.

Here you’ll be able to see the convert options and choose how many Lusts you want to cash out.
We currently offer 2 convenient payment methods: Paypal or Wire Transfer.

The amount you can see on the page is the amount after the Uplust commission.

$100.00 (after commission) – 2000 Lusts – is the minimum you need in order to be paid out. Payment periods are from the (1st-15th) and (16th-30th) of each month.


Once you have confirmed your payment, click the confirmation link you’ll receive via email to validate your payment.

Note: Our Risk Department reserves the right to ask for a proof of ID directly by email before validating your payment.

Payments are sent out within 15 days of the pay period ending. You can check the current status of your payment in your console.
